On The Death of Robin Williams
The news of Robin William’s death shocked the world. I was in disbelief at first. No one in my family spoke a word as we were
watching the news anchors struggle to deliver the news on TV. It was truly heartbreaking.
I’ve wanted to tweet something, or make a Facebook status,
but have had no idea what to say. I’ve
seen pictures of him smiling all over social media, and of course his death has
captured the news. Really, I’ve felt at
a loss for words.
When other celebrities have passed away it’s always been
upsetting, but something hit me a little bit more with Robin William’s death. It’s been on my mind a lot. Of course I didn’t know the guy, so I’m not
pretending to have some deep connection with him, but perhaps its because of
what a tragic story it is. This man who
brought laughter and joy to the lives of millions of people ended his life
because of his severe battle with depression. I think of Aragorn's words in Lord of the Rings, "I give hope to men, but keep none for myself." Maybe that was true for Robin Williams.
For those of us who have never taken depression seriously,
this is definitely a wake up call to how devastating depression can
become. A man as famous, successful, and
loved as Robin Williams ultimately was overcome by the negative self-worth
depression can produce.
When I was a kid, I remember asking my dad if Robin Williams
was a Christian (you have to understand my background – I’ve grown up in a
Christian home, so things like Heaven and Hell have always been a part of my
worldview). He of course didn’t know and
told me he didn’t really think so. I
became concerned and asked,
“Does that mean we won’t see him in heaven?”
“I don’t know Matt, hopefully he’ll come to know Jesus.”
I think maybe that’s why his death is so saddening for
me. I think it was the first time I
invested time into thinking about someone not
going to heaven. We hope and pray that
Robin had an encounter with Jesus at some point in his life. For the rest of his family, we hope that
Jesus will be able to comfort them during this terrible time of grieving.
The scripture that comes to mind is when Jesus says that sick
people need a doctor, not the healthy, and that’s who Jesus wants to be for us
(Matthew 9:12-13). Whether we want to
admit it to ourselves or not, we all
struggle with sin, doubt, worry, insecurity, etc. Jesus says that He has come to give us a
full, abundant life (John 10:10).
Jesus is the one who can heal us from our hurt. Jesus is the one who can heal us from our
suffering. Jesus is the one who can give you hope. Jesus is the one who can help
you through the things you struggle with.
Instead of trying to fight it on your own, or pretending it doesn’t
exist, let Jesus take away your hurts and heal your heart.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me,
all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you
will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give
you is light.”
–(Matthew 11:28-30)
I'm not saying that's an easy thing to do. It's not easy to admit our faults. And it's even harder to give them up and allow Jesus to change our hearts. Sometimes we think by simply admitting our faults we've somehow solved the problem...but it's allowing Jesus to change our thoughts and attitudes that make the difference.
Jesus, we pray that the Williams family gives you their
burdens, and you give them your rest. Be
with them now and give them your peace that surpasses all understanding. Let them know your love for them, and if they
don’t know you already, let this lead them to begin a relationship with you.
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