Standing in the Gap

If you aren’t aware, there is some massive tension going on in Ukraine right now.  Pro-Russian separatist rebels have captured many eastern cities, while the interim government is trying as hard as possible to avoid an all-out civil war.  The West blames Russia, who has roughly 40,000 troops stationed at the Ukraine border, for backing the rebels and stirring up the violence.  Russia denies this, yet also claims that they will protect their interests if they are threatened.

Chaos is everywhere.  Violence is rampant.  Blood has been spilled.

And what answer does Christianity offer?  What would Jesus have to say?

When His Disciples were experiencing a storm they feared could take their lives, Jesus calmed the storm and asked why they didn't trust in Him (Mark 4:35-41).  Jesus doesn’t promise us a pain-free or problem-free life; in fact, He guarantees that we will have hardship (John 16:33).  But Jesus does promise that if we trust Him, we don’t have to be afraid in the midst of the storm (Matthew 10:28-31).  He will guide us through it.

The answer Christianity provides us is this: trust in Jesus, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.

“Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins…but God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)”
–Ephesians 2:1, 4-5

Jesus stood in the gap for us.  We deserved death, but instead He died and gave us life.

And now He calls us to do the same.  We must stand in the gap for those who are dying.  We must pray for those who need Christ (1 Timothy 2:1-6).  We need to pray that God is with the leaders of Ukraine crisis, that He speaks to them and guides their actions, even if they don't know them.  Most importantly, we must ask that God will use this situation to reveal Himself to the people involved.  Leaders, rebels, citizens; everyone.  We must pray that they will come to trust in Jesus!

Where is God calling you to stand in the gap?


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