
Showing posts from May, 2014


WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? While Jesus is very clear that Christians must spread the gospel message (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15), there isn’t a particular Bible verse that gives an explicit definition.   The Gospel literally means, “The Good News.”   But good news about what?   Doesn’t that entail bad news?   The Gospel can be understood in these terms: G – God O – Our S – Sins P – Paying E – Everyone L – Life G – GOD ( Colossians 1:16) God is at the start of it all.   He is the Author of Life, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.   God is the one who created us to know Him and to be known by Him.    Humanity lived in perfect paradise living in perfect harmony with God, until we used the same breath He graciously gave us to curse Him. O – OUR (Romans 3:10-12) Our sins separate us from God.   We have all participated in the mutiny.   There isn’t a religion in the world that doesn’t agree there’s something wrong with us.   While there is such a thing as “

FAT Leadership

Jesus Washes Peter's Feet Successful leaders are “servant leaders;” they serve others instead of serving themselves.  The perfect example of servant leadership is Jesus Himself; the perfect picture was when He chose to wash The Disciple’s feet, a job reserved for a servant, not a leader (John 13:1-17).  Instead of leaders being known for selfishness and faithlessness, they should be known for being FAT.  FAT meaning:             F - faithful             A - available             T - teachable A boy named Samuel was a great example of this.   He worked in the temple, and was faithful in his work (1 Samuel 3:1); he made himself available when God called out to him (1 Samuel 3:4, 6, 8, 10), and was teachable to the authority figure over him (1 Samuel 3:15-18). Faithful | (Matthew 25:23 / Luke 16:10) Being faithful means to be true to one’s word.   You are trustworthy to get a task done.   You commit.   When you say you’re going to do something, you do it.

Faith Without Works - What Does It Mean?

WE (CAN’T?) WORK OUR WAY TO HEAVEN One of Christianity’s major defining points from other religions is its emphasis on faith over good deeds.   While other religions require adherents to do enough good works or obey a certain lifestyle, Christianity says that there is nothing we can do to save ourselves.   We are saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone. Then why would the Bible say, “faith without works is dead,” (James 2:17)? The Bible teaches that our good deeds don’t save us; it’s through faith in Christ alone (Romans 3:28; 5:1; 11:6; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Philippians 3:9).   Then what aren’t we getting about this James passage? James wasn’t trying to write a systematic theology book.   While we definitely get important Christian doctrine from this book of the Bible, we must think about his primary purpose.   James wasn’t teaching “faith or works,” but instead was emphasizing the importance of applying God’s Word in our lives. INFORMATION + APPLICATION =

Standing in the Gap

UKRAINE IN CRISIS If you aren’t aware, there is some massive tension going on in Ukraine right now.   Pro-Russian separatist rebels have captured many eastern cities, while the interim government is trying as hard as possible to avoid an all-out civil war.   The West blames Russia, who has roughly 40,000 troops stationed at the Ukraine border, for backing the rebels and stirring up the violence.   Russia denies this, yet also claims that they will protect their interests if they are threatened. Chaos is everywhere.   Violence is rampant.   Blood has been spilled. And what answer does Christianity offer?   What would Jesus have to say? PEACE IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS When His Disciples were experiencing a storm they feared could take their lives, Jesus calmed the storm and asked why they didn't trust in Him (Mark 4:35-41).  Jesus doesn’t promise us a pain-free or problem-free life; in fact, He  guarantees  that we will have hardship (John 16:33).  But Jesus  does  p