Hug Me, Brotha!
Today I was reading John 20.
In this chapter, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene after His
resurrection. She’s so surprised that
she clings to Him, so much so that Jesus
tells her to get off of Him (John 20:17)!
I thought this was awesome.
We see that Mary didn’t just respect Jesus, but she loved Him. Jesus wasn’t just
a good speaker or miracle worker, but her friend whom she loved. This perfectly illustrates
who God is, and who He wants to be to us.
“The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of
God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command,” (Hebrews
1:3, NLT).
This is saying that Jesus
perfectly represents who God is. We
see from Jesus’ life that He loved people, and desired to have a relationship
with them.
It’s clear from the life of Jesus that His friends and disciples had a real love for Him. Not only was Jesus an incredible teacher, leader, and thinker, but His life was full of love. His disciples and friends loved Him with their whole hearts. God wants a love relationship with us. Everything that happens in our life is about bringing us closer to Him and knowing Him. God isn’t just developing our character, trying to make us nice people or anything like that…He wants us to know Him and love Him.
It’s clear from the life of Jesus that His friends and disciples had a real love for Him. Not only was Jesus an incredible teacher, leader, and thinker, but His life was full of love. His disciples and friends loved Him with their whole hearts. God wants a love relationship with us. Everything that happens in our life is about bringing us closer to Him and knowing Him. God isn’t just developing our character, trying to make us nice people or anything like that…He wants us to know Him and love Him.
Let Jesus be who He really wants to be in your life. Let Jesus be more than just a concept, a ritual, a tradition, a goal, a leader, an example or role model. Get to know Jesus!
"Hug me, brotha!"
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