What's On Your Resume?

In college, I’ve heard a lot about resumes.  I had to make my own last semester.  You need a resume to get a job; without it, people will not know what you have done, your skillset or why they should hire you.  Resumes are key to moving up in the world!

Now before we go on, I’d like to define two terms here.

Human Doing vs. Human Being
A Human Doing, as it implies, is simply doing, while a Human Being, as it implies, is simply being.  A Human Doing works, gets the job done, and appears to have specific qualities, but does not actually personify them.  A Human Being embodies the qualities that they are doing.

Where am I taking this?  Humility.  I feel like God has recently put this on my heart.  Are you being humble, or just “doing humility”?  There’s a huge difference.

Resume of Humility
A Human Doing, someone who just does the humble thing rather than actually being humble, serves just because that’s what they’re supposed to do.  Serving is not an attitude of the heart, and probably not even a mindset.  Human Doings are humble as a means to feed their pride.  They only serve so they can add it to their “Resume of Humility,” where they can brag about how much they serve others!  Humility is just a means to feed their pride.  It’s just to be recognized by others!

True humility, however, does not seek reward.  True humility does not have a “Resume of Humility.”  A Human Being embodies humility.  Their heart is to serve others, regardless of the status.

Jesus' Response
Jesus says, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:1, NASB).

Throughout the rest of chapter 6, Jesus gives examples of this.  He says not to do things hypocritically as the Pharisees did, to be noticed by men.  This could be in giving to the poor, praying, and fasting.  These guys only did these things to add to their “Resume of Humility”, not because they had the correct heart attitude.

Jesus’ response to this?  “They have their reward in full,” (Matt. 6:2, 5, 16).  The reward for using “humility” to make yourself look better is just that—you’ve made yourself look better.  That’s it.  Nothing after that.  God will not say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.  Nice Resume.”  Human Doings have no place in heaven; God is interested in Human Beings.

Unfortunately, all of us can easily become Human Doings.  This is actually something I have to be checking myself on all the time!
So my challenge to you, and myself, is to become a Human Being.  Ask God to make your heart attitude one of humility, not just so you can create a “Resume of Humility.”


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