The Hard Fun of Being Challenged 2.0

Two years ago I wrote a blog post called, “The Hard Fun of Being Challenged.”  It was when I began my internship at Searchlight Church.  My workload increased, and it was a challenge, but I realized it was awesome and what God was calling me to.

Now that I’ve graduated college, I feel like I’m experiencing the same exact thing.  Working as youth pastor of Searchlight living an hour and a half away, leading Epicenter Young Adults ministry, and working at Starbucks is all becoming a lot for me.  But I feel like God has really been making it clear that He’s in all of it.

It’s a lot of work!  I need to invest more time in preparing for college group, as well as more time in planning and participating in Searchlight Youth activities and being active in the lives of the students.  It’s easy to just focus on how overwhelming it can all be.  But when I step back, I realize that I have more than enough time to get things done…I just have to make some changes.  Even though it’s more on my plate now, I know that if I step it up, it’s all going to happen.

It’s incredibly rewarding.  It’s awesome knowing that God has blessed me with so many opportunities, and it’s great seeing people’s lives changed!  The positive connections at college group, and seeing youth open up and grow closer to God is simply something I can’t put into words.  Through doing all of this, it’s just been a further confirmation that I’m called to do this the rest of my life.  Professor Phil Baker once said, “A pastor walks through life with people.”  I know that’s my life’s calling.

God has been dealing with my sin.  Every Sunday with the youth, we have a “Walk Away Point.”  Last week’s WAP was to “Share Your Secrets With God.”  The same week at college group we talked about God’s discipline in our life.  I think this week God has been bringing it home for me.  Instead of just talking the talk, I’m really walking the walk.  When God begins to use me more, He also points out my sin more.  He reveals my hidden attitudes, thoughts, and motives and exposes them all.  I’ve had some hardcore repentance the past few days!

Even though it’s a lot of work, and even though it’s painful for God to be dealing with my sin, it’s so rewarding.  God has continued to confirm for me personally that I am called to walk through life with people, and it’s never felt so good.  Even though things are increasing, I feel like God is calling me to a higher standard so He can use me more.  How can I not get excited about that?


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