
Showing posts from June, 2014

Hillsong NYC

There are so many different ways of doing church.   Mark Batterson challenges Christians to find ways of doing church that no one has thought of yet.   That’s an awesome thought.   I want to be part of this new movement of church, instead of sitting around in what’s comfortable.   I recently attended Hillsong Church in NYC and seriously loved it.   Here’s why:             1. They are in sync with today’s culture             2. Worship and Word are central to the service             3. Their theology drives their philosophy 1. THEY ARE IN SYNC WITH TODAY’S CULTURE From worship to the media and even the fashion, Hillsong NYC is completely in touch with today’s culture.   All of their media is current and looks professional.   They take complete advantage of today’s technology through social media.   They know how to appeal to the busy, fast-paced lifestyle of young people living in NYC.   They are completely intentional about everything they do.   Not only ar

The Hard Fun of Being Challenged 2.0

Two years ago I wrote a blog post called, “The Hard Fun of Being Challenged.”   It was when I began my internship at Searchlight Church.   My workload increased, and it was a challenge, but I realized it was awesome and what God was calling me to. Now that I’ve graduated college, I feel like I’m experiencing the same exact thing.   Working as youth pastor of Searchlight living an hour and a half away, leading Epicenter Young Adults ministry, and working at Starbucks is all becoming a lot for me.   But I feel like God has really been making it clear that He’s in all of it. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE HARD PART It’s a lot of work!   I need to invest more time in preparing for college group, as well as more time in planning and participating in Searchlight Youth activities and being active in the lives of the students.   It’s easy to just focus on how overwhelming it can all be.   But when I s