The Hobbit: What Happens Next?

I can say with confidence that I loved The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. The story, the characters, the action, the visuals – I loved it all. I felt that it lacked only in its resolution. The book was detailed in describing what happened after the battle, but much of it was generally left out of the movie. What happened to the Arkenstone? The Lonely Mountain? The men of Lake-Town? Who knows what the extended edition will reveal, but until then… WHAT HAPPENED TO… …THE ARKENSTONE ? The Arkenstone is called, “The King’s Jewel,” and symbolized Thorin’s right to rule and authority to unite the Dwarves. The jewel is buried with Thorin, placed on his chest, beneath the Lonely Mountain. …THE DWARVES ? Most of the dwarves of Thorin’s Company settled down in Erebor. Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dwalin, Nori, and Dori all stayed in Erebor. Balin was the only Dwarf to visit Bilbo at Bag End....