Faith Booster

I’ve been doing the 40 Day Prayer Journey the past few weeks, and recently I had a thought.
Sometimes, our prayers consist of empty words and half-hearted fluff to God.  Of course we want Him to move in those situations, but we don’t pray like we actually expect Him to.  And that’s why God may give us a “Faith Booster.”

Showing Off
For a few weeks, I have been stressing about my summer job.  I need to make more money and work more hours this summer.  I had no idea how it would fit in with my internship, going back to school early, etc.  But by Day 5, God already made a provision!  Not only did He completely work out my summer job, but I also made extra money that week, and received a free $50 visa gift card!  It was like God was showing off!

This happened for Rebecca too.  Her dad has been out of a job for months, and she had occasionally been praying half-heartedly about it.  After getting halfway through the 40 Prayer Journey, she decided to circle her dad’s job in prayer.  Two days later, not only did her dad get a new job, he received the same benefits as his old one, and was promoted to a higher position that pays more money!  I mean, talk about God showing off!

Faith Booster
Now normally, I would accept that as an answer to prayer.  But in this case, I like to think of it as a Faith Booster.  Something to “pump up” my faith for the remaining 35 days.  Something to take my half-hearted prayers to a true dependence on God.

Instead of reading off my prayer “To-Do List” to God, this has brought me to a place where I am excited to pray and expecting Him to move!  If God can do that in just 5 days, what could He do in 40 Days?  In 41 Days?  In 365 Days?

Vending Machine
Am I saying that it’s our “faith level” that answers prayer?  Of course not!  God is not our vending machine.  As Mark Batterson writes, “God is not a genie in a bottle, and your wish is not His command.  His command better be your wish.”  We don’t get “faith points” that we cash in to get whatever we want.  In fact, that’s not what faith is at all.  Faith is trust.

< Trust
God is always trying to bring us to a greater level of trust in Him.  Unfortunately, even though we “pray” to God, we might not really be trusting Him with any of it.  It might just be the “To-Do List” we’re handing over to God, not expecting Him to answer at all.

That’s why I think God sometimes likes to give us that “boost” in our faith.  He reminds us of His ability and desire to work in our lives!  We can trust Him with what we’re praying about, and it changes the way we pray!

If your prayer life has been lacking, think back on a way God has provided for you, and use it as a Faith Booster!  Know that God is bringing you to a greater level of trust in Him!


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