Check For Directions

I’m not really a New Year’s Resolution person. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them, but that’s not really me. But since this New Year, I’ve gotta say, God has been doing quite a lot in such a short time. I’ve kind of made an unofficial goal for myself through it.

At the start of every year, my church has a corporate fast for a few days. This year it was Sunday through Wednesday; it can be anything you want, for however long you want. But as a church, we seek God and ask Him for direction.

To make a long story short, God has really been coming through since I started fasting this year. That same week I got a phone call about starting an internship at a church, and it is an amazing opportunity (more than your average internship). I fasted the next week about it and asked God to make it clear for me; and He did! Through the people I met, conversations we had, and events that took place, God made it clear that this was something that He wanted.
I fasted the next week about more practical things about the internship, asking God to help me with ideas, presentation, relationships, etc…and He has been!

The next week I fasted about my own personal life, and that I would be the example leader that God wants me to be, and that he would help me get there. Obviously something like that doesn’t happen in one week, but God has been really moving in great ways…and all this time I’ve been fasting. Through this, I’ve also been having consistent quiet times too, which has been a struggle for me before.

Now I’m not an expert on fasting, I haven’t really read any books on it and whatnot, but I know that it definitely has power. God has been giving me direction through it, and it’s been really cool.

So my unofficial goal? I want to make fasting a more regular part of my life, and want to talk with God consistently every day. Fasting is a great way to be checking for direction from God about what He wants to do.

If you’ve got a goal of your own, make sure you’re checking for directions!


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