Failing Flesh

To be honest, I’ve allowed my relationship with God to get a bit stale this week. The NYC Missions Trip helped me a lot, but I haven’t made a lot of time for Him recently. Yesterday I did and it was great, and so today I went to the Worship Chapel Service.

As always, the Worship Chapel was incredible. God always comes and meets you in a powerful way when you devote even just an hour to worshiping Him. One song we sang was called, “Give Me Faith” by Elevation Worship. I loved the entire song, but the bridge stood out to me so much: “I may be weak, but Your Spirit’s strong in me. My flesh may fail, but God you never will.”

Story of my life! My flesh fails all the time! I was so humbled today while singing this. I’m so sinful, and yes God has saved me from an eternity away from His presence, but sometimes sin rears its ugly head in my life because I allow it to. But even when my flesh fails, my God never will! I can always count on Him no matter what! That is the greatness of our God!

While I was worshiping, I thought of God’s goodness. I thought of how He is all-powerful. Me? I’m weak, pathetic and full of sin. Yet God, in His goodness, uses all of His power to do what…save me? Protect me? Jesus came down and DIED for me, so that I could live and be rescued from my sin!

Not only that, He continues to protect and provide everything for me. Who am I that this God would do such a thing? I am nobody. But that’s just who our God is. His love is so deep for you and I, that no matter what we’re going through, He is there for us. He is providing for us in ways that we don’t even know of most of the time. He is concerned with us getting to know Him more and more!

And what do I do? Well I definitely don’t give Him the time He deserves. The best I can give Him is dirty rags. Yet He loves me anyway. If that isn’t something powerful to think about, I have no idea what is then.

Psalm 73:26 → “My flesh and heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”


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