Absent From Our Home

I know some people love to take vacations and can’t wait to get out of their house. Well, I can tell you that I’m not one of those people. I mean don’t get me wrong, I LOVE vacations; my family has gone down the shore, to Boston, Vermont, etc. But it never beats a beautiful, relaxing day at my house with nothing important to do…kind of like today! Except it’s raining. But I love my home!

I was having a hard time keeping up with my devotions about a week ago, but I found this passage that really helped me out. In 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, Paul is talking about how we are separated from God because of our mortal bodies. Our goal though, is to be pleasing to Him, regardless of where we are (v. 9).

What spoke to me the most is verse 8. Paul says that he is confident that we would prefer to be absent from our body and at home with the Lord. Our home is with the Lord. This is how we should feel as Christians. Paul wishes that he could be in Heaven already with Christ, but knows that he is here to please Him. It’s ok to enjoy our earthly stop here, but our home is in Heaven with Jesus. The AG calls this “The Blessed Hope”— as in we look forward to this, we are excited!

However, I know that I don’t always feel this way. Sometimes I do, and it’s so cool to be Kingdom-minded, to be looking forward to Christ’s return, and living in Heaven! I know what this feeling is like, and I love it! But sometimes I can find it difficult to talk to God, and a chore to read my Bible. About a week ago I was feeling this way. Two weeks ago, it was the complete opposite!

For myself, I know it’s my own laziness and inconsistency that usually keeps me from reading my Bible or talking to God. My biggest problem is as soon as the “gung-ho!” feeling for God goes away for me I fall out of habit. This passage helped me remember to look forward to talking with Jesus. It reminded me that my true home is in Heaven with Him. Paul was saying that he wishes he could just leave and be with Christ! This is how I should be thinking all the time!

If anyone else has struggled with being consistent with God, then I hope this speaks to you. Our home is with Jesus in Heaven, and we should be so eager to talk to Him!

As my youth pastor always says, “If you don’t feel like praying, talk to God about it.”
Colossians 3:2 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."


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