Let's Share

I was talking with God in the car not too long ago about how great the food is here on earth, and how I can’t possibly imagine how great it will be in heaven. I told Him that He must be throwing a party having such great food all the time (of course I was half-kidding here), and I felt Him say to me, “I wish I had someone to share it with.”

We always talk about God’s love, and just how much He loves the world. Sometimes, we talk about how much it must pain God to send somebody to Hell who has rejected Him. I read a scripture the other day that really spoke to my heart, and illustrated just how much God loves this world.

2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (NIV). Later in verse 15 it says, “Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.”

This was just profound for me. This passage is talking about the return of Jesus, and how people would scoff at them because Jesus hadn’t returned yet. They claimed that He wasn’t real, and even some Christians were getting discouraged. They were beginning to believe that God was slow in keeping His promise, almost as if He had kind of forgotten about it. Peter tells us that this is completely false, and it’s actually quite the opposite.

It says that He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. What does this mean? God, the all-powerful ruler and creator of the entire universe and everything inside of it, is in a sense delaying His ultimate return and triumph over evil for all time—so that everyone can come to repentance.

Wow, just wow. God essentially could have returned already and gathered up all who know Him, went to Heaven, gone through with the whole Judgment Day thing and moved on. But He hasn’t yet. Yes, we know it’s coming, but the reason it hasn’t is because God wants more to know Him. His will is that none should perish, and He’s willing even to delay His ultimate return and victory just to win someone else to His kingdom. Just to see one more person fall in love with Him.

Why don’t we share God with others? Don’t keep the wonderful gift God has given you a secret!


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