Going to a Christian College is quite different than going to a secular one. A big saying people have here is “my theology.” Everyone has their own “theology,” and their own unique “belief”, and their own interesting take on scripture verses. Lots of people here like to talk about what they believe—and that’s not a bad thing. Hey, I guess I do too, I mean I’ve got a blog! Seriously though, I must say I’ve heard the term “my theology” quite a lot. “Well Matt, it’s obvious that you’re going to blog about your theology. What makes yours so special?” My goal isn’t to tell you “my theology”; my goal is to get all of us to take a look at our own belief systems. Why do we each have our own theology? Why do some of us take [sometimes ungodly] pride in believing something that others don’t? I think we need to take our faith back to the basics. A very good amount of the time, some of us get so wrapped up in our “theology”, beliefs, opinions, etc that we forget what it is that makes...