Happy Thoughts

“Faith without works is dead.” I’m sure we’ve all heard this from something somewhere at some point. What does it mean? I think to most of us it may seem pretty obvious. The answer is that if you have faith and you don’t do anything, your faith doesn’t mean anything.

So, is that what it really means?

Well uh, yes actually that’s exactly what it means. The problem is that I think most of us believe that just because we know what it means, that’s a good enough response to this passage (found in James 2:14-26). Here, James is saying that if your faith doesn’t show through actions, then what is the point of your faith? Verses 15-17 really illustrate this. If someone is without food or clothing, and we say, “Stay warm buddy! Hope you have a great dinner! You could really use it, you look like you haven’t eaten in a while,” and don’t do anything….what are you doing?? What is the purpose of your faith? And this isn’t limited to biblical principles only.

Some of us may respond by saying “Well, you have faith, and I have deeds” as James says in verse 18. You might be someone who does a lot of work, but I am just someone who believes in things quietly, I’m not very loud. But faith produces deeds. Why else would we believe in an idea if we didn’t take action? “I will show you my faith by what I do.” (2:18). If you have faith, deeds accompany them! Otherwise you don’t have faith, you have an opinion, or a happy thought. As nice as they are, happy thoughts don’t really get you to fly, or to heaven. Simply believing in Jesus doesn’t get you anywhere; even the demons believe that! —and shudder (2:19).

In Batman Begins, the character Rachel Dawes has one of my favorite quotes ever. Bruce Wayne is acting like a player, but tries to convince Rachel that it is just an image and it’s not who he really is on the inside. She answers by saying “It’s not who you are underneath, but it’s what you do that defines you.” Boy is this true.
We may think we’re one way underneath. I’ve heard “Character is defined by what you do when no one else is looking!” No, we should not be concerned with the opinions of others, especially when it comes to God’s will. But if we assume that thinking happy things about God and simply “believing” in Him is good enough, then we are sorely mistaken. Check what James says in James 1:22-25.

So what am I saying by all of this? If we are Christians, we have faith in Jesus Christ. This means that we believe in what He says, and He says to follow His commands. If we have faith, we need to literally be taking action. Enough with silly opinions and happy thoughts! It’s time for our faith to produce deeds!


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