What Easter Means For You In 2018
This world needs a solution. Everyone knows it. But no one agrees on what that solution is. One week ago (Saturday, 03/25/18), thousands across New Jersey and millions across the nation rallied together for the end of gun violence this past Saturday. Inspired by the tragic events that happened in Florida just weeks ago, they pushed for our state to make NJ gun laws, which are among the toughest in the country, even tougher in an effort to end school gun violence once and for all. Two days later, hundreds of gun rights activists held a demonstration of their own in NJ’s capital. They argued that it’s not guns, but there are other things that contribute to gun violence. This world needs a solution, but we can’t agree on what that solution is. The thing is, this isn’t a new idea. People have gathered together for change because they recognized that our world is broken all throughout history. Take the Civil Rig...