
Showing posts from July, 2015

Camping, Coffee, and Ministry

I’m not much of a camper.   In fact I don’t like camping at all.   Putting up a tent?   I would have absolutely no idea how to do that.   It’s just not my “cup of tea,” if you will (or coffee, because I like that more). Yet this is what the Apostle Paul did for a living.   While he traveled as a missionary, apostle, and evangelist, Paul would float back and forth between full-time ministry and part-time ministry; his other part-time job being tent-making [Acts 18:3].   I’m sure that Paul wasn’t upset whenever he had to make tents though; it opened new doors for him to talk about Jesus! He never lost sight of the mission. I’ve been thinking more and more about what it means to live “on mission.”   This is a term we have at Searchlight Church, and I love it, because it gives me a sense of why I do what I do, and helps me to prioritize in my life.   Our mission is to reach and teach people to live and love like Jesus. Being newly married and working part-time in min