They Call Me Batman

I work at Starbucks, and for real they call me, “Batman” and “Mattman.” The best part is that I’ve never even told anyone to do that. They just know what’s up ;-) We actually had a new hire come on and joke that he was Batman, and everyone immediately corrected him, “No dude, Matt is Batman. Get that right.” I thought it was hilarious (and amazing, and appropriate). I was telling this to a friend, saying how proud I was that everyone at work calls me Batman and I’ve never even told anyone to do that. But I wondered why. If I’ve never told anyone to do that, how do people know that I love being called “Batman” (this has happened at two different places I work at)? My friend responded like it was obvious: “Matt, you just ooze Batman. It’s like it just comes out of you.” SECRET IDENTITY I thought his response was kind of funny, and to him it was pretty obvious. But it had me thinking. What if ...