Let's Argue: The Moral Argument
We’re looking at several philosophical arguments for God’s existence. First we looked at the Cosmological Argument, showing that God is the best explanation for the cause of the universe. Next we will look at the Moral Argument: God is the best explanation for the existence of objective moral values and duties. Remember what we said about argumentation: a “good” argument is a series of statements, or premises, that lead to a conclusion. These premises must be logically sound (the conclusion follows the premises by the rules of logic), and its premises are true. Along with this, it must be shown that there is good reason to believe that what this argument is stating is true. DEFINE THE TERMS First we need to define what we mean by “objective moral values and duties.” Objective as opposed to Subjective . Objective means that they exist independent of opinions, belief systems, etc. Subjective means they are dependent on these thin...