Justice Has Been Served!
Most people probably didn’t feel this way after finding out what happened to the Casey Anthony trial. Is our Judicial System really a just system? Regardless of your opinion, what do you think God has to say about justice? Not limited to this trial; I mean REAL justice. When we say God is a just God, what exactly are we saying? Rebecca and I have a Bible study every week, and we’ve been in the book of Romans. This week we were in Romans 3:21-31. The Holy Spirit must have been right there with us because He really showed us something incredible! This passage is talking about how the Law points us to God’s righteousness. Even Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross points us to God’s righteousness; this is to reveal our sin (Romans 3:20), and help us realize that we need God’s power to be saved. Now here’s the deal. Romans 3:25 says that God passed over sins previously committed (before the death of Christ); the NIV says that He let them go unpunished. Verse 26 says “so that He woul...